Back To School Roundup

Over the past two weeks I have been sharing my tips for an organized back to school over on Instagram.  I hope you enjoyed following along, and if you haven't already joined me on Instagram, do yourself a favor and add me!  I do try to blog most of my projects, but Instagram is so easy to share some of my work quickly and sometimes I forget to add them to the blog.  It seems to be my go-to anymore.  Because of this, I thought I would post my top 5 tips for getting ready for a new school year. These simple, yet effective, tips are truly a lifesaver when implemented with the little ones.  Life may throw craziness at you at times, but at least you know you've got this school thing down!

Tip #1: Designate a space just for homework.  Distractions are limited and homework success will be yours (and your littles!).

Tip #2:  Add all supplies necessary for a child to be productive within arms reach.  Of course, said supplies should be organized by type for easy retrieval!
Tip #3:  Designate a space for a family command center where bookbags can hang, school work can chill in their own mesh mail sorters, a magnetic dry erase board to jot down notes or show off prized artwork, and a family calendar can keep all the important dates.  All in one space for all to see.  This will guarantee all peeps in the house are on time leaving the house.  And calm.  Calm is always good!
Tip #4:  Designate a space for a lunch packing station.  All items needed to prepare a healthy lunch are all contained within one area.  Reusable lunch containers, snack bags, h20 bottles, and juice boxes all conveniently located at my fingertips.  Having one space for all these items helps so much when packing lunches at 6am!
Tip #5:  Have your littles pick out all 5 outfits the Sunday before every week begins.  This ensures your little fashionistas are dressed to impress, happy with their selection, and no last minute meltdowns are occurring at the wee hours of the morning.  Assign each outfit to a day and organize accordingly.  With this client we used hangers and felt sheets, wrote the day on them and allowed the children to decorate as they wished.  Including children in the process makes them want to utilize the system as intended.  It's a win-win!
I hope some of these tips helps you seamlessly transition into your school routine.  I know we parents need all the help we can get!  Care to share any organizing tips for back to school that you and your family couldn't live without?  Share with me on Instagram by tagging your photos with @organized_simplicity!

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And they're off!

Lingerie Drawer Refresh