Organized Simplicity

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Spring Cleaning: Garage Organization

Now that planting season has arrived, a majority of my clients first priority for organizing has been the garage.  Under utilized in the winter months, the garage easily becomes a catch-all causing a large amount of clutter and disarray come spring time.  

Whether your garage space be large or small, utilizing every possible space to meet you & your family's needs is key.  But before setting your space, purging is the only way to successfully begin. More times than not, spaces such as garages are dumping grounds for items that are used seasonally, tools, kids toys, and stuff people don't want to rid themselves of for fear of a need in the future.  

The best way I have found to use a garage to its fullest potential is to divide the space into 6 zones for maximum storage.

  1. Transition Zone: Close to the entrance to put items you grab or take off when going in/out of the house.  A spot that is easily accessed when entering/leaving is best.
  2. Need It Now: Close to the entry to the home, a spot where you can store canned goods and bulky items that you may need within the near future.
  3. Long, Tall, Thin Storage: Fairly self-explanatory. Yard equipment, rakes, shovels that can be hung on the wall.  Up out of the way, but still accessible when needed.
  4. Large Item Storage: Large and rarely used items should be stored high and out of the way.  The less you use it, the higher it should be stored.  Think holiday decorations that only need to be accessed once per year.
  5. Frequently Used Items: Items you use often should be placed in close proximity to the garage door for easy access.  Think bikes, brooms, and outdoor equipment.
  6. Workspace: Create a space just for your hobby!  Do not use this space for anything else, unless your spouse would like to share the space!
Once designating these 6 zones, go through every item, one by one and find a place for it.  If it has had too much love, missing a piece or part, seen better days, or has one too many twins, either donate to a new home, recycle or trash.  Then get ready to enjoy your space once again!  
Have you tackled your garage organization yet this spring?  Send me photos, I would love to see your progress!

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