Organized Simplicity

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Spring Cleaning: Accessory Rotation

Mother Nature is so tricky during the month of March. Cold snaps happen so suddenly, don't let it catch you off guard. I wait until the first week of April to see off my winter jackets, shoes and accessories and then I welcome in my spring and summer apparel.

I start by washing all items before they make their way to storage for the months ahead.  Then using clear containers with lids, one for each person in our household, I pack up all winter accessories and label the outside. I then label the container and put into that individual's closet for storage. This method  helps to ensure all individual items are located easily when cold weather strikes. Fingers crossed for nothing but warm weather ahead! 

How do you store your off season accessories?  Do you pack them up, or do they stay put for the rest of the year? Would love to hear all about it!

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