simple solutions thursday
In our little kitchen, any space that designates one type of item helps to eliminate a traffic jam if more than 1 person is in the kitchen. It's a sad, but very true fact. This 'jam' occurs quite frequently in the wee hours of the morning, before my husband and I have had any caffeine.
To create a bit of peace, and a little less panic, I decided to establish a coffee and tea station, a zone so to speak. Giving an old tray new life, I placed the coffee maker, a madesmart lucite tray with endless assorted tea bags, a lovely glass jar with ground coffee, and a box of Tazo Chai for when we are feeling fancy. My husband and I both drink our coffee black (gasp!), but could easily add a jar of sugar and some creamer to top off the look if needed. Next to the coffee and tea station, conveniently placed shelves that house coffee cups for easily retrieval.
What I love about this little area of our kitchen, besides that it's lovely on the eyes, is multifaceted. A given is that it is easy to get necessary caffeine when we can barely open our eyes. Another is I can now visually keep track of when we are running low on either coffee or tea. No more opening the pantry to realize we might have a coffee-less day ahead (is there truly such a thing?!).
And it's a simple as that folks, create a station in your home to effectively serve a purpose. And the possibilities are endless! Where do you use a 'station' in your home? Tag me in your photos on Instagram, @organized_simplicity. I would love to check them out!